петак, 30. април 2010.

The Professional Association of Catering and Travel Workers of Nis is founded as a nongovernmental, non-political and nonprofit organization of first-class catering and travel proffesionals. The aims of association are: to develop this vocation, to improve and protect its reputation, to enable an advanced training to its members, and of course, to educate junior personnel - which is achieved in cooperation with the High school for Catering and Travel in Nis and catering and travel industry of the town Nis.

Although it is a young association, it gathers highly competent members - and they represented it, in the best possible manner, on the greatest Republic Competition for Catering and Travel workers of Serbia, held in
Vrnjačka Banja ( Vrnjacka Spa ). They won plenty rewards, among which are: a cup for won third place in the overall placement and 32 medals in individual categories.

The Association also organizes many town manifestations; they are included in the travel offer of Nis and its environment. This year, the Association took the responsibility for organizing the traditional catering manifestation of the town - the so-called "Golden hands".

The "Golden Hands" manifestation today includes various competitions: a competition in preparing meals of national cuisine, a competition in preparing fish, fish chowder, fish stew and flambe-meals and a competition of bartenders. It also included two new categories, which have never been held in this part of Serbia before - the Cracklings of Nis ( Nislijski cvarci or Niska Cvarkijada ), which was first time held in 2007, and the Best prepared foof for winter ( Najzimnica ), which was included in the plan of the manifestation in 2008.In a short while, a large number of young personnel joined the Association (which was one of the aims listed above).

In the nearer future, the Association plans to establish a full cooperation with the National Employment Service in order to enable the junior personnel to find a job more quickly.

It also plans to publish reference-books and brochures which will, as secondary literature, help both the pupils and the professors in their future education.

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